Department of Informatics and Communications

School of Technology and Management - Polytechnic Institute of Bragança

Department of Informatics and Communications

O Departamento de Informática e Comunicações integra 39 docentes, desenvolvendo atividades de ensino, de investigação e desenvolvimento e de prestação de serviços nas áreas científicas de: Ciências da Computação; Engenharia de Computadores; Sistemas de Informação.

Currently, the IC is coordinated by Tiago Miguel Ferreira Guimaraes Pedrosa [].


Total 17 members

Albano Agostinho Gomes Alves

OrcidID: 0000-0001-9796-6810
phone: +351273303084
office: 91

Isabel Maria Lopes

Isabel Lopes, Graduated in Management Informatics, received MSc Degree in Management and a PhD in Information Systems and Technologies (2012). She is currently a Professor of the Department of Computers and Communications at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB) - Portugal. She teaches several courses in the area of Informatics. She published more than 100 publications in peer-reviewed journals, book chapters and proceedings, and has several communications at international scientific conferences. She serves as a member of Program Board and Organizing Committees for some Scientific Committees of International Conferences and has collaborated as a reviewer with several journals.
Her current research Interests is in Tourism Reserarch; Smart Tourism; Smart Cities; Information Security; Information Systems Security in Public Administration; Information Systems Security Policies; Higher Education; Virtual Social Networks; Portuguese Smart Cities Network; Dimensions of a Smart City; Internet of Things, Digital Transition, Digital Marketing and Social Networks.
She is a researcher: UNIAG (Applied Management Research Unit, since 2013) and researcher of ALGORITMI (ISTTOS - UM, since 2013).

OrcidID: 0000-0002-5614-3516
ScopusID: 55211017300
phone: +351273303153
office: 5

João Paulo Ribeiro Pereira

PhD in Engineering and Management

OrcidID: 0000-0001-9259-0308
ScopusID: 23135900800
phone: +351273303153
office: 5

José Carlos Rufino Amaro

OrcidID: 0000-0002-1344-8264
ScopusID: 55947199100
phone: +351 273 303075
office: 86